Sunday, May 12, 2013

A slightly tongue in cheek Mothers Day rant.....

I hate Mothers Day! 
Its a special day to remind all of us less than perfect moms that we are less than perfect.  I mean really.....
Let's face it, I'm just not the mom that greeted her kids with milk and cookies after school.  I'm not the mom who whipped up tasty treats from the kitchen for her family - no, not me.  I actually HATE being in the kitchen!  I'd much rather be out in the barn cleaning out the horses  LOL.
I'm the mom who said to the kid  who fell down - Suck it up princess
I'm the mom with the wooden spoon in her purse
I'm the mom who missed most, if not all, of their school events
I'm the mom who was away from home  6am to 6pm Monday to Friday
Crafts with the kids? no
Gardening with the kids? no
Understanding, sympathetic - no
Soft and cuddly - no

A great line from the movie "Michael" - I'm not that kind of angel.  Well, I'm not that kind of mom.
Its just the way the is.....  I'm done apologizing for it, feeling bad about it, feeling less than perfect, feeling like a failure.
Sorry kids - but this is the mom you got.....  June Cleaver I ain't.....

So, the noble woman of Proverbs 31 - not me.  Mother's day messages make me cringe.
 And while I'm on the subject - why is it that in churches men give the Mother's Day message.?  Just for once I would love to hear some real moms give the message.

And that's my Mothers Day rant for this year!  Happy less than perfect Mother's day!  LOL

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