Tuesday, May 15, 2007

robot christians

i was listening to the local 'christian' radio station the other day ( i don't very often, but that is another blog...). there was advertisement for a christian 'boot camp' kind of thing to train people on how to share their faith. i have to admit i had a not so reverent vision of a bunch of robotic christian soldiers graduating from this 'boot camp' - armed and equiped to blast their world with 'christianity'. 'sir, yes sir' - rattling off the four spiritual laws on unsuspecting heathens. cold, emotionless faces quoting scripture - word for word, verse and chapter. it would be a pretty funny sight, if there wasn't some truth to it. its sad actually, and kind of scary. and i'm not sure how effective it really is.
it seems to me that best way to share your faith is to live it. talk is cheap. actions speak louder than words. show me by your life that you are a Christian, don't talk at me.

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