Tuesday, August 28, 2007

summer adventures

yup, it has been busy. my last day of work (officially) was May 31st. i have no idea why, but i have been busier than ever!!! quite a few weddings to officiate at and attend. terry and i took advantage of the fact that i no longer had to work on weekends to do some exploring in our beautful province. spent a weekend in lillooet, a weekend in vernon, many days finding new lakes to fish. spent a long weekend at Johnson Lake with the whole family, then went back the next week for 7 days to camp at the far end of Johnson Lake. all in all, it has been an eventful, and long summer break. the 7 day camping trip (with no showers!) was quite the experience for me. it was beautiful and hot during the days and COLD at night.... i wasn't quite prepared for that. hooked on to two trout, but couldn't land them ( i still have lots to learn about setting the hook and reeling them in). i learned about leech patterns, wooley buggers and cronimids.
learned how to drive the truck - that was fun. we rented a boat from the resort and had to pick it up at 8am one morning. we got up, drove to the resort (15 min. down the logging road), terry was to bring the boat back, on the lake, to the campsite and i was to drive the truck back. sounds simple enough, but i've never driven such a big truck and its a standard to boot. anyway, i headed out ok. thot i remembered the turn off to get to the campsite, but i wasn't really sure so i kept going; realized the terrain did not look right so decided to back up. HA! couldn't get it in reverse. now i'm panicky - so i keep driving down this very unfamiliar and narrow logging road hoping for a place to turn around cuz i can't get into reverse. 15 minutes down the road, find a wide spot and turn around. head back to the turn off to the campsite, but the corner is too sharp and i can't back up. so keep driving back towards the resort looking for another wide spot. finally, turn around and get to campsite. the 15 minute trip back takes 40 minutes. AND I HAVEN"T EVEN HAD COFFEE YET!!!! anyway, we had a wonderful time - and i sure appreciated a hot bath, a razor and our own bed....


Sue said...

You'll have to train that man better to make sure you have a coffee before you set out on your adventures in the morning.

James Goudie said...

:) sounds like you had a adventure.