Thursday, December 13, 2007

I'm leaking all over

there is line in "The Grinch" when his heart grows bigger and he is finally able to feel. as he wipes his eyes, he says "i'm leaking all over".
what is with Christmas and all the 'leaking'?? i was at a women's brunch yesterday with my friend. one of the features was a harpist playing beautiful christmas music while we all sat quietly in thought. as i looked around the room i wondered what thoughts were running through each of the women's minds. most of the women were older, elderly. each was lost somewhere in thought. some had smiles on their faces, some looked very sad. i wondered if they were remembering christmas' past - of houses full of happy children, of a simpler christmas season, baking, preparing, enjoying family and friends. i wondered if even though their bodies were frail, they still felt young in their mind. i wondered if they were alone now. i wondered if they thought about the past and reflected on their 'failures', on how they could have been a better daughter, mother, wife, friend. i wondered if they missed the christmas' of old, and if they only have the memories now. i thought about how we, as women, keep all these things somewhere deep in our hearts. my heart ached for them. i wanted to tell them that they still have value. there is always hope.
today as i was preparing dinner for friends, and the christmas music was playing i had a little meltdown. memories of christmas' past flooded in at an overwhelming pace. thoughts of 'i should have', 'i could have been a better daughter, mother, wife, friend' threatened to overpower me. it prompted me to reach out to a friend and ask for prayer. it reminded me of yesterday, and the women i felt for. it brought me to the foot of the cross again. i was reminded to leave my burdens there.
i was reminded that there is always hope for those who love Jesus, no matter how old in years we are. what is past is past, it is what it is. i realized that our God is a great God, and that He is able to redeem all the 'should have' 'could haves'. i began to feel His lavish love for me as He spoke into my heart to let me know that i still have value, that He still has plans for me, that there is always hope - and hope does not disappoint.

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