Saturday, March 08, 2008

thankful for this devotion today

(Every day with Jesus)

"...being strenghtened with all that you may have great endurance and patience..."
Colossians 1:11

'Today many of you have to go out and contend with fierce antagonism, bitter disappointment, rejection from friends or family, a marriage failure, loss of friendship, a financial reversal, or something similar. But listen carefully to me: YOU WILL GET THROUGH. And the reason you will get through is because God's power is at work in your life.
You may be shaken but you will not be shattered, knocked down by not knocked out. What is more, you will come through the experience with thanksgiving. You will be thankful because through your difficulties you will be brought closer to God Himself.'

1 comment:

Forgiven said...

And isn't that what we all want, to be closer to God.