Thursday, May 17, 2007

brook besor

there is a cool story in the OT about David and his army. it seems that a bunch of them (well, hundreds actually) went to do deal with the bad guys (amalekites) who had stolen their wives and kids. but a couple hundred of the men had had enough. they were tired. they needed rest. they needed refreshment. so they decided to stay behind at brook besor while the others went to fight.
anyway, the other men and the wives, whom they were rescuing, were none too happy about this. they called them all kinds of names (well, i'm assuming they did cuz they were ticked!). but David did a very noble thing here - rather than ridicule them, or judge them for staying behind - he tells everyone that they stayed behind to protect the supplies. he stands up for them and they get to keep their honor. the fact is: they just simply could not go on, they needed to stop and rest and heal.
sometimes you get hit with so many bullets that you need to step away from the front lines for a time - to rest, to heal your wounds, to gather strength for future duty. it doesn't mean you have given up, or you are abandoning your cause. it simply means you cannot go on right now, you need to stop and rest and heal. Brook Besor..... the resting place, the healing place.


Sue said...

It's a nice little place. I'll leave a few good sized rocks for you to throw in the water. I've become familiar with the paths to get there and the currents, watch for the eddy to the right. I hope you find refreshment there, like I did. Prayers for you my friend.

Unknown said...

It is important to note that Bill Wilson's faith system was not based on Jesus Christ and Him crucified; nor is there any mention of Jesus Christ being the Savior from his sin. Both he and Bob Smith (co-founder of AA) embraced and promoted a variety of spiritual experiences, which included practicing spiritualism and conversing with the dead (which the Bible forbids) and being heavily involved in séances. Wilson also acted as a medium or channeler. It was while involved in these types of religious experiences, not Biblical Christianity, that Wilson developed his Twelve Steps (Pass It On, pp 156, 198, 275, 278).