Thursday, August 30, 2007

aahhh.... September

my favourite time of year. i love the fall. cool mornings, warm days. back to a routine after summer. i love summer too - i eventually get tired of the routine and long to be carefree for a while. must be the 'hippy' in me. did i mention that when i was a kid i wanted to be a gypsy? every halloween i would dress up as one. i was really ticked that my parents didn't name me Susanna.
anyway, back to what i was talking about. this year i'm not too sure what that routine looks like. i don't have kids going back to school, i don't have a paying job even. its easy to keep myself busy during the summer, spending days outside in my garden. but those long rainy days of winter, that's going to be another challenge.
i have revisited some hobbies long since forgotten. i had this unexpected urge to buy a sewing machine and start sewing again (that was quickly squashed, for now).
i have my small group on Tuesdays and possibly one other starting soon. there are dreams of visiting Costa Rica again in Spring, and doing a women's event in February. i'm a planner/organizer - that gives me great joy and energizes me. i enjoy writing in a love/hate kind of way. i enjoy speaking in the same sort of way....
as September creeps closer it does so with anticipation of what God has in store for me (and us).
but for now, i still have some gardening to do...


James Goudie said...

so thats why you dressed up as the same thing every halloween??

I miss you guys

Susan Kirchmayer said...
