Wednesday, October 03, 2007

"feed my sheep"

there seems to be a disturbing trend in pastoring in many denominations and churches. it would appear that pastors are expected to be more of a CEO of the church, than a pastor to folks in a congregation. results are becoming more important than relationships; programs more important than people. success is measured by what is accomplished - new initiatives, numbers, finances. sadly, it seems many going into ministry are not prepared for this type of pastoring - i know i wasn't and i know i'm not alone. even more unsettling is that those who are not CEO material are often bypassed, or become so disallusioned they leave 'formal' ministry all together.

i'm not saying that pastors don't need to know how to 'manage' their church. i'm saying that when it becomes more important to build a successful church in a secular context there is something wrong. by measuring a pastor's performance based solely on programs and results we do a disservice to the role of pastor.

continued later......

1 comment:

Miss-buggy said...

"by measuring a pastor's performance based solely on programs and results we do a disservice to the role of pastor."

some things just can't be measured on that alone. Why can't that be seen? I have seen in churches that when they are focused on being the CEO people lose what really needs the help.

looking forward to more of your insight on this