Sunday, February 24, 2013

get out of the pews, people!

Ugh, I really dislike living in a state of blah.  You know what I mean - the same old, same old.  I am fairly sure that this is not how God meant for us to live.  Yet, we continue to become comfortable in our daily lives, even complacent.  We lock ourselves in the 'christian bubble' and become oblivious to what is really going outside.  We are comfortable with the status quo of 'church life'.  We surround ourselves with like minded people.  Comfortable, complacent, sheltered, bored, blah.
Jesus lived and served outside the walls of the church.  He was found walking the countryside, in fish boats, having meals with tax collectors, preaching from hillsides, ministering to prostitutes, challenging the Pharisees.   He met people where they lived - His life was not comfortable, not complacent, not sheltered, not boring, not BLAH.
As a Jesus follower, this is how He wants me to live.  I can hear Him saying to me  "Get out of the pew and get into the real world. Find out what the needs really are instead of deciding ahead of time what you think they are.  You want to make a difference? Follow Me.  Expect to be uncomfortable, expect to be challenged, expect to get dirty, expect the unexpected and expect to live a radical abundant life. Forget the BLAH.  I promise you, it will be anything but."
Who's ready to get out of the pew with me????

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