Friday, February 22, 2013

Why not?

I had an epiphany this week as I was driving home from Harrison Harrison Hot Springs.  I realized that the older I get the less concerned I am about "why" things happen in my life.  I know for a fact that during my life I have spent an inordinate about of time trying to figure out "why" things were happening a certain way.  "Why is God allowing this to happen?"  "Why would God do that?"  "Why/What is He doing???"  WHY WHY WHY?????
More often then not, I never did understand the "why"?  I have to admit it left me a bit (a lot) frustrated at times.  I have  spent too much time and energy on trying to figure out and understand what God was doing.  It is enough for me now to leave the "whys" with God.  I am not God, I can't even pretend to come close to understanding His wonderful and mysterious ways.  I have discovered (light bulb moment!) that if I spend that time getting to know the WHO instead of the "why", the "why" becomes less important.  For me, right now, its all about trust and faith -  Trust that whatever He allows is for a much greater purpose than I can grasp;  Faith in His inherent Goodness and Love.
Its not about the why - its all about the WHO.

1 comment:

Sue said...

You are blogging again. That's awesome. I find your thoughts inspiring.